Our Story

The Gennie Dean Caring and Sharing Cancer Support Group is a community dedicated to helping cancer patients, warriors, survivors, and their families through their journey of fighting cancer.

We believe that cancer doesn’t define a person and that everyone has the strength to live, love, and laugh despite the challenges that come with this disease.


Our Philosophy

We understand that dealing with cancer can be overwhelming, both physically and emotionally. That’s why we provide our members with all the necessary tools and resources that can help them cope and thrive during this difficult time

At GD Caring and Sharing Cancer Support Group, we offer a wide range of programs and services that are designed to meet the unique needs of each individual. Our programs include support groups, educational seminars, wellness workshops, social events, and much more.

We are proud to have a team of compassionate and dedicated volunteers who are committed to making a difference in the lives of cancer patients, warriors, survivors, and their families. Our volunteers have a personal connection to cancer and understand the challenges that come with it. They are here to offer a listening ear, a helping hand, and a shoulder to lean on.

Our Core Values


Live your life to the fullest, pursuing your dreams with determination.


Love deeply and fully, cherishing every moment spent with loved ones.


And never ever forget to laugh, even in the face of adversity.

Our Vision
To provide support to all cancer patients and to enhance their quality of life after diagnosis, during and after treatment.
Our Mission
To ensure every cancer patient gets proper guidance, medical care, physical+emotional+spiritual support, financial aid, a thriving environment, and all that they need to win their battle with cancer.

Meet Our Team

Our Founder

Gennie Dean

The GD Caring and Sharing Cancer Support Group was founded by the Late Gennie Dean in 2012.

Gennie was a cancer survivor who often spoke about the need for cancer patients and survivors to heal from the mental, emotional, and spiritual trauma that accompanies a cancer battle.    

She believed that while there was a huge focus on the physical impacts, more attention needed to be placed on the unseen trauma wounds.


Our President

Duquesa Dean

Duquesa, by profession, is a life coach, trainer, mentor, and published author, but in essence, she is a person who takes immense pride and joy in assisting others to move forward in their lives.

She is recognized for her personal story of triumphing over adversity. Following a life-threatening incident, she faced immense challenges including abusive relationships and neglecting her own needs. However, she eventually came to appreciate the value of inner growth and the importance of living a life true to oneself.

She has been leading the group since 2017. Under her leadership, the group was formally incorporated and has been successful in helping women thrive after a battle with cancer.


If you are a cancer patient or survivor, I encourage you to join our support group. You will get the much-needed help to live, love, and laugh along your journey.


Dianne Duncombe


Sheila Smith


Judy Lundy Miller


Helen Longley Forbes

What We Offer

Monthly support group meetings which provide a safe supportive environment for female cancer patients and survivors.

Flyer (1)

Healing Circles – Guided Group Therapy Sessions

Healing Circles

Free Prosthetic Breasts & Mastectomy Bras

Screenshot at May 27 1-20-04 AM

Annual blood drives to assist with proactively supplying the Princess Margaret Hospital with blood

Screenshot at May 27 1-22-22 AM

Annual Health Challenges

Screenshot at May 27 1-11-08 AM

Grocery and Other Living Expenses Support

Screenshot at May 27 1-07-56 AM

Annual Hope Magazine,
Support Cancer Warriors

Let's show cancer who's the boss

Education and Wellness Seminars including grocery store tours

Screenshot at May 27 1-09-54 AM

Corporate Bahamas Education Sessions 

Screenshot at May 27 1-24-00 AM


1.  Annual Cancer Survivor Worship Breakfast

2. Annual Pink Pearls and Jazz Concert

3. Corporate Donations

4. Cancer Merchandise Sales

5. Annual Hope Walk

Want to Help?

We provide a wide range of survivorship activities for cancer patients and survivors. You can contribute to this noble cause in numerous ways:

Donate to our prosthetic breasts and mastectomy bra program. We provide these items to breast cancer patients and survivors FREE of cost.

Donate to our group to support the work that we do.

Sponsor one of our 2024 events.

Sponsor one of our 2024 events.Purchase tickets to attend one of our fundraising events.

Purchase t-shirts from us for your staff for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Provide an office space free of charge for a minimum of one year.

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